How a child custody lawyer can guide you through interstate custody disputes

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If you and your spouse are divorcing, it is essential to understand what legal rights and obligations you have. One important aspect of divorce is child custody. Whether it is sole custody or joint custody, there are several factors that determine custody arrangements and these include the physical health of both parents, the ability to care for the child’s emotional, mental and physical needs, the relationship between the child and other relatives (grandparents, aunts, uncles), living arrangement of each parent (new romantic partners, suitable quarters), and the safety of the child (past history of drug addiction, criminal activities, mental illness). If you are looking for a skilled Child Custody Attorney, visit for guidance and Free Consultation!

Depending on your situation, you may be able to resolve your custody issues through mediation or collaborative divorce instead of letting a judge decide for you. Hiring an experienced St Louis child custody attorney is a good way to ensure your rights are protected and get the results you want in your case.

In cases where the parties cannot agree on custody and visitation arrangements, judges are required to impose their own terms. The judge presiding over your case will consider things such as the health of each parent, their ability to care for the child’s physical, mental and emotional needs, their home life (new romantic partners, suitable housing for the child), any history of domestic violence, the willingness of both parents to allow the child contact with other family members, the child’s own preference if they are considered old enough, and other factors the court deems relevant to the best interests of the child.

Haefner Law Office LLC has been providing Saint Louis residents with legal representation for 30 years. Its lawyers help them with contested and uncontested divorces, separations, spousal support, child custody and adoptions. Its attorneys also handle military divorces and other high-net worth matters. They are experienced in mediation and have a number of resources available to them to assist clients with their cases.

Medler, Karsten & Bridges, LLC provides legal advice and representation to individuals who are involved in family law matters in St. Louis. Its lawyers assist with child custody, alimony, child support, and modifications of existing court orders. They also handle estate planning and personal injury matters. The firm advocates the use of mediation for family law disputes, and its attorneys are appointed guardians ad litem in child custody cases.

The Betz Law Firm is a family law practice that operates in St. Louis, Missouri. It assists clients with legal battles involving divorce, custody and visitation, child and spousal support, temporary restraining orders, name changes, emancipation, and child abuse. Its attorneys can handle family law matters in mediation and litigation, including trials and appeals. They are familiar with the laws of various jurisdictions, including Missouri and Illinois. They are also members of the American Bar Association and the St. Louis Metropolitan Bar Association. They also serve on the Board of Directors for the St. Louis Lawyers Charity Fund. They are members of the National Trial Lawyers.


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